Hello everyone ! We just put in place (at least for the iOS version in a first time) a GitHub repository allowing those who want to:
- Translate the application to make it available in their language
- Propose new application themes
The benefit of this system is the ability to participate in all or part of the localization. Several people previously proposed to translate the application, but for lack of time or because the task is quite long, almost have abandoned. (Except for the Portuguese translation Thanks to Diogo :)) The contributions will have to go through “pull-request” on localization or theme resources. For the uninitiated to GitHub (or Git more globally), the easiest way is to download the Github application and follow (or try) instructions: Create a Github account Download the desktop application (for Windows or Mac) (https://windows.github.com/ or https://mac.github.com/) Go to https://github.com/YaPSNapp/YaPSNappContrib repo and fork it. On your forked repo, click on “Download to desktop” – It must launch the github app, ask for your login and directory to download the project
Add / Copy / modify file(s) from the finder / explorer
In the github application, commit your changes and add commit description
Sync your changes to your forked repo
Click on the “pull request” button
Submit your Pull request
For a translation to be included in a future version of the application, it must be complete for application localization files AND for the Stores summary presentation. If the process seems too complicated, you can download the files from the repo, translate them and send them by email to yapsnapp@drakfly.com. However in this case, translations must be complete (Localizable.strings AND AppStore.txt files) in 1 submittal.