Version 3.5 has been submitted to Apple for validation. This version includes the following features and improvements:
- Full compatibility for iOS12 / iPhone XS/XS Max/XR
- Bug fix of re-authentication
- Messaging: Message/Chat search feature added
- Messaging: UI improvements (Group names, group image, system messages, history loading)
- Rework on the Notification screen linked to YaPSNapp blog
- Trophy guide automatic download comeback
- New App Dark icon to match your dark theme (Select it in app parameters)
- Display image header of the last played game in a friend profile
- Tip jar screen to make donations and help us to improve the app
- Compatibility with “Great Firewall of China” (for users located in China)
- Trophy guide display component replaced (the old component was the root cause of some app crash … for example during video playing)
I have still in my todo list some big features to add:
- Universal app for iPad
- Full profile statistics (Game sessions strengthening, trophies distribution, roadmap for best trophies to acquire, Trophy timeline, etc.
- Search in game database with trophy guide support (to create your “todo” list for trophies)
- Create a calendar/agenda to create some trophy boosting sessions
and some other “small” features
- “Printable” trophies list with guide for best display on what to do on a game
- Add the official PSN account “newsfeed” (Activities, shares, events)
- Option to display friend profile in “compare” mode or not
So, we have some ideas, but feel free to add your own (on comment to this post for example).
See you soon … and have fun !
Hi Jeff! I’m very excited for this update. I’m having issues with notifications not showing up as well as the sessions not properly updating, however the features look marvelous and I hope this update fixes those pesky bugs! One feature that you mention is the ability to donate, contirbute and support your amazing app! I very much like this app and use it everyday, and with these new features I’m sure more people will download the app. I’m very much looking forward to donate, I’m thinking of donating $10 dollars a month or every two months to start off, then prior of an update releasing, when you announce an upcoming update, I’ll donate a hefty sum! Thank you for creating such an amazing app!