Hello everyone, Here are some news about the next version of yaPSNapp iOS … Since the first version of the application, I have in mind some ideas I have never yet been set up, most of these ideas are related to statistics on a bit of everything and anything, as regards the history of obtaining trophies (distribution according to several factors such as the trophies types, platforms, difficulty, time, etc.) but also some elements to assist me in my trophies hunt (the most “simple” trophies to obtain, trophies potential of certain games, etc.). It also happened to me to ask me some questions about my future with PSN, how many trophies I have to acquire for the next level … or just the ones to pass BapediBoupi: P And of all that … (and other ideas I hope) should be part of the next version of your (our) application. For now, I started to realize some mockups of what could be the new “My Profile” screens … I let my imagination free while having no idea how to do it for certain :S … but hey, no pain, no gain ;) Here are my 1st ideas on GUI elements: D Feel free to add your comments / ideas …